Central Outback | Pimzarblan | 5 | Mythocosmography
Rid wongs denor hanalambs (This place that tends to test manhood)
Whimsical Yet Complex
Rid wongs denor hanalambs (This place that tends to test manhood)
The reason why there is tropical weather in this part of the island is for the same reason why Brazil has a tropical climate. Since there are constant sand-storms that…
While the sand-storms would have moved from Central Eindasquing to eastern Pimzarblan Island, it brings with it iron-rich sand particles. They then fertilize the eastern and southern parts of Pimzarblan…
Rid serngs kirigweingso yanarlamz (This world will always show beauty).
When the first Kingdom Hearts game came out on the PS2, I was younger than Sora. Now, I am twice Sora\’s age. I\’m wondering how long it will be before…
4 continents, 3 island-continents, and a supercontinent walk into a bar...
He was not called a Tolkien without merit.
Worldbuilding is the one field where no changed major feels like \"wasted time.\"
In Helen Young\’s article \”Game of Thrones\’ Racism Problem,\” she seemed to focus more on the show\’s interpretation of Daenerys Targaryen than the books\’. Although there are similarities between the…
\"There be monsters strange and grotesque/Which thrive within every object-biosphere.\"