As mentioned at the very beginning, the sapient species of Rkespiwa are humans but have features of eels and turkeys. I came up with it off-the-cuff, though I have to emphasize that they have those features the same way that Earth humans have subtle features borrowed from the Neanderthals.

The greenish scales of the eels would find itself in the Rkespiwa humans, while the turkey feathers would appear within the hairs–at least the hair would resemble turkey feathers. The wattle would appear subtly above the Adam\’s Apple. Because they are supposed to have the scales of grey eels, it would mean that their skins would have adaptation to both land and water. The river-building guilds consist of generations of gills, which would be a genetic feature.

(Epiphany 1/3/23) I have been thinking about the sapient species akin to goblins and other fictional humanoids as Trevena noted. I had not given it thought when first writing on Day 7 itself. I figured that maybe there are other sapient humanoids that are more closely aligned with the turkey-and-eel features than the standard Rkespiwa humanoids are. I will have to consider giving this more thought as I go along.

As for being able to solidify mudbricks and any other objects, this would involve electrophysiology. Rkespiwa humans would have to produce electricity through the nervous system transmitted through the fingertips. The nervous system is connected to the brain. As such, there would be electrocytes would be located at the back of the head just slightly above the neck.


  • Markham, M. R. (2013). \”Electrocyte physiology: 50 years later\”Journal of Experimental Biology216 (13): 2451–2458.
  • Trevena, Angelina. “30 Days Of Worldbuilding: An Author’s Step-By-Step Guide To Building.” Angelina Trevena. 2019.

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