What is characteristic of the attire that people where in the Sahara and in Sub-Saharan Africa is when withstanding both the hot sun and the freezing nights. As can be expected on Pimzarblan Island, there tends to be extreme weather particularly within the southern and central parts of the island.


Just like the loanwords, what traders and empires brought with them are attires. Although the Pimzarblan dwelled on the island for thousands of years and were already adapted enough to scavenge the landscape, the introduction of goods and clothing provided more of an advantage to them.



As mentioned before, one of the articles of clothing that the Banshin brought with them for trade is the tagelmust. This is the type of veiled clothing that is typically used for withstanding sandstorms.

Ijen World-Empire


The Mzashabart would bring with them ichcahuipilli and ponchos.

Since they rode mountain dragons, which involved flying at higher, colder altitudes, they wore special armor that was tanned, kalidah hide and lamellae laced together. This would be one of the few attires introduced to Pimzarblan from Mzashabart, along with the clothing of nobility.

And because they rode those dragons at many miles per hour, they needed a form of face covering, so they used a special visor-helmet made from iron and glass in order to keep themselves from becoming blind.

Lasthiker World-Empire

Gorinin. \”Celtic.warriors.garments-replica.\” Wikipedia. 3 June 2007. CC BY-SA 3.0.

The Lasthiker would bring with them intricate brooches, torcs, wool/linen tunics, winter cloaks, braccae.

Because the Lasthiker also rode dragons, they also had to wear a special visor-helmet in order to properly ride them. However, there was no prior contact with the Ijen World-Empire, even though their territories extended close to them. Of course, there was trade between the Ijen and the rest of the Urtoblalps hill-tribes. Among them were the reclusive Falithifel, who would eventually get their hands on the visor-helmets needed to tame the dragons that terrorized them for so long.

Those visor-helmets would be used among the hunters of both the agricultural and military castes. Of course, the glass visor would have been removed in order for them to see their prey clearly.

Hunters of Pimzarblan

A topic that I will get into is the stratification of Pimzarblan society into trade-castes, or divisions dedicated solely to a trade. Of course, hunters do not have a caste of their own, rather they belong either to the military caste or the agricultural caste. Military hunters tend to reside in fortifications, while agricultural hunters maintain the separation of the crops from the predators. Sometimes, those hunters are hired on a wage, or are foederati, or are servants.

As for the southern Pimzarblan, they would have to contend with the heat coming from the center, but also the rain- and sand-storms that come at them from the sea and the Banshin deserts. Like the Banshin, the Southern Pimzarblan hunters typically wear tagelmust to protect their faces from the sandstorms.

With that exception, the rest of the island developed more uniform styles of hunting clothing as trade among them became more interconnected following the ascent of the Umbsquodsen Dynasty.

As for the rest of the Pimzarblan Island, every military-caste hunter wears a kalidah hide ichcahuipilli with interwoven lamellae, with braccae underneath. Their arms had no other protection except for iron torcs encircling them. This excessive armor is meant to protect the hunter from attacks by both animals and humans.

As for the agriculture-caste hunters, they simply wear a poncho with braccae. Oftentimes, the pancho is used to carry prey to the holding. More wealthier hunters would have arm-torcs of their own, including leaders of the agriculture-caste, not just for protection but for royal aesthetic. Among those wealthy hunters, there are those who have connections with the Thoirthewarb, and because of that, they have access to harpoons and fire-arrows.

Of course, they are refrained from hunting game outside of any hunting seasons or from overhunting. This prohibition is under the enforcement of the military caste, specifically by those who worship the god of animals, Bizozitho. Any who does risks being fed to the very animals they hunted out of turn.


  • Ancient Aztec clothing. (2012). Aztec-History. The Aztecs used many different types of feathers in their clothing. Retrieved August 30, 2012, from link
  • Peers, C. J. (2006), Soldiers of the Dragon: Chinese Armies 1500 BC – AD 1840, Osprey Publishing Ltd.
  • Powell, Philip Wayne (1977). Mexico\’s Miguel Caldera : the taming of America\’s first frontier, 1548-1597. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
  • Wikipedia.
    • Celts#Clothing
    • Litham#Tagelmust

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