While the sand-storms would have moved from Central Eindasquing to eastern Pimzarblan Island, it brings with it iron-rich sand particles. They then fertilize the eastern and southern parts of Pimzarblan Island, which helps breed the tropical forests. Of course, that sand-storm would only go so far, since it does not hit Northern Pimzarblan Island. Since there is not much rainfall or sand-storms, that part of the island becomes a savanna biome.

Of course, savannas are suitable for large numbers of herbivores to graze upon the grass. Types of herbivores would typically include those that can travel far distance to reach any shrubs, grass, and water sources in the quickest possible time–such as antelopes. Of course, since Pimzarblan Island is separated from the Eindasquing mainland, then the evolution of animals would be completely different, as Pimzarblan Island would be its own niche. So, the kangaroo would be suitable for savanna climate, since it can graze on grass and forbs–even when they are brown–and make use of trees for shading.
Introduced Animals?
Since northern Pimzarblan Island would be where most foederati and their king-generals from the hilly, deciduous Urtoblalps would come from, along with traders from the wealthy Raijir; it would then make sense that they would bring animals with them. Of course, those animals would have to adopt the savanna as their new, ecological niche.
Since Raijir abounds with elephants for warfare and transportation of nobility, then it would stand to reason that they would reside on the savanna–if not bred in large numbers. They are herbivores that would not outgraze the savanna grass; yet they would not survive in the desert climate of central Pimzarblan.
Fictional Creatures
Of course, I can have the liberty of getting in-depth about the cryptozoology that would fit into the savanna landscape. Maybe I can include Pleistocene megamammals that would adapt to the savanna niche.
Maybe there would be yellow megatheriums–or megasloths–who adapted to the savanna by grazing from the trees. They could then curl themselves in their sleep upon the ground and their yellow fur would detract any predators or humans, mistaking them for a hill or a rock. Considering how megatheriums went extinct due to human presence, it would make sense that the yellow megatherium would have adapted to the Pimzarblan people.
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