How To Win Friends And Influence People | 22 | 2022 Centobibliennial Reading
\"How? When? Where? The answer is: All the time, everywhere.\" - How To Win Friends And Influence People, pg. 96.
Whimsical Yet Complex
\"How? When? Where? The answer is: All the time, everywhere.\" - How To Win Friends And Influence People, pg. 96.
\"...The more you practice resisting such urges, the easier such resistance becomes.\" - Deep Work, pg. 167.
\"More value means more leverage for negotations.\" pg. 270
\"...You should sell your services, results, or products on a basis other than time.\" - Work Less, Make More, pg. 151.
\"The current educational regime is based on a certain view about what kind of knowledge is important: \'knowing that,\' as opposed to \'knowing how\'.\" - Shop Class, pg. 161
\"These unities, which I call events, are the emergence into actuality of something.\" - Alfred North Whitehead, pg. 92
\"The slip-box...would most likely be used as an archive for notes--or worse: a graveyard for thoughts.\" - Smart Notes, pg. 32
Since this is being posted amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I would hope that this gives any reader hope.
This was among the books that stood out upon entering polymath in the Amazon search query. I have to say that I like the solid cover, which resembles Richard Florida\’s…