Ancient Greek: murio-: ten thousand
Ancient Greek: hora-: hour
Greek: tely: evolution
The process of developing proficiency in any particular hobby, trade, or subject in 10,000 cumulative hours.
\”She would have to dedicate herself to a myriohorotely in order to become an opera singer, so she created a goal of practicing mouth movements and head voice for 10,000 hours.\”
\”Running all over the ring, the M.M.A. fighter celebrated his myriohorotelic climb to the top; for it took more than five years practicing up to five hours a day either with his rugged trainer or in the wilderness.\”
10,000-hour rule
Upon reading books by table-tennis player Matthew Syed and journalist Malcolm Gladwell, I realized that the 10,000-hour rule that they wrote about does not have an awestruck quality to it, rather it sounds informal.
Murio is actually where English speakers get the word myriad. Although it also meant ten thousand, in a way this neologism could refer to a myriad of evolutionary hours. I also decided to use the horo to refer to the alternative meaning, which is hour (which is concurrently the cognate to the English word hour).
Although horotely is used within the scientific context of an organism evolving through time, that usage of the word evolution could easily be transplanted into a different metaphor, especially pertaining to individual evolution. When you look at the pursuit of becoming an expert, it is absolutely an evolution in a metaphorical sense.